Activities for People Suffering from Stress
Here are links and further reading related to the topics in my ”Activity booklet for people suffering from stress”.
Unfortunately, most of these resources are in Swedish at the moment. Please feel free to email me on if you have any specific questions about any of the topics.
Further Reading and Links
1. How close to the wall are you?
- There is an online version of the KEDS test at
2. Drop the phone and daydream
- Read more about daydreaming in my Swedish article about input and output
3. Conduct a meeting with yourself
- Read the Swedish e-book ”Handbok i personlig konferens”, it gives even more hands-on tips about this topic.
4. Follow your natural energy
- The Swedish productivity blog Produktivitetsbloggen has written about getting a list of low energy things.
5. Defend yourself with excercise
- Read my Swedish article abouyt longing for a healthier life.
- Read the Swedish book ”Hjärnstark : Hur motion och träning stärker din hjärna” by Anders Hansen (can be found at Bokus and Adlibris)
6. Magic away your energy thieves
- Read my Swedish article about managing energy thieves
7. Take control of the communication channels
- Read my Swedish article about getting into flow and reduce distractions at work.
- Read the book ”Getting Things Done” by David Allen (can be found at Bokus or Adlibris)
8. Become friends with your bed
9. Build a healthy self-esteem
- Read my Swedish article about Johari window
- Read the Swedish book ”Mia Törnbloms samlade tankar om självkänsla” (can be found at Bokus or Adlibris)